27 October 2017


Drifting at sea for five months because your engine died.



Oh, and it's not better if it turns out they were able to make headway under sail.

That means they were completely unable to navigate.

To me the entire idea of a sailing ship is to SAIL.

If you're going to embrace the old ways of powering your vessel, you should also learn the old ways of navigating it.  Sextant, hard-print charts compass and a chronometer.


  1. And another dummy thing: they didn't have "marine radio" or an amateur HF. Apparently, all they had was VHF because they were saying they called for help every day but were never in range of other boats.

    Marine SSB or amateur bands are going to be open to somewhere any time of day.

  2. Sigh... Clueless... I'm betting they ran out of fuel, which is why the engine died.

  3. No EPIRB or PLB's. Dummies!
    Even if they steadily sailed in a roughly westerly direction, after a month or two (instead of five) they would have bumped into Asia.

  4. One of the news stories I saw said that there was some issue with their mast that prevented them from sailing... BUT... that would lead me to believe that they either are completely unable to improvise or fix anything or even make much of an effort... Someone who was determined would have figured some way of deploying a sail...


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