25 February 2013

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) Speaks

Dear Mr. McThag: 
Thank you for contacting me about policy proposals that seek to reduce gun violence in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown. 
 I am a hunter and have always owned guns, and I support the Second Amendment.
But assault weapons such as AK 47s are intended for killing, not hunting. 
Solutions for reducing gun violence must address many areas, from protecting law enforcement and keeping weapons out of the hands of criminals, to school safety, access to mental health services, and confronting a culture that sometimes glorifies violence.      
I support reinstating the assault weapons ban and restoring the 10-round limit for ammunition magazines. And, I support universal background checks so that we can know if person buying a weapon has a criminal record.
I appreciate hearing your views on this very important issue, and I will keep them in mind.  Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.                                    
Sincerely, Bill Nelson
And he's not up for reelection until 2018.  Joy.

He's a gun owner, but...

I've gotten a "we got your message and will get right with you" from Rubio.


  1. "Dear Anglave:

    Thank you for contacting me regarding proposed gun safety measures and mental health reform. I appreciate hearing from you about these important topics.

    Like all Americans, I was deeply saddened by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. What added to our grief as a nation was that it also came on the heels of mass gun shootings in Colorado, Arizona, Wisconsin, and the senseless acts of violence that occur every day throughout our country. In light of all of these events, it is apparent that far too many Americans, including children, are needlessly losing their lives. We must come together as a country to prevent future tragedies and the senseless loss of life, and to ensure that no American lives in fear.

    On January 17, 2013, the President put forward a specific plan to protect our children and communities by reducing gun violence. The plan includes legislative and executive action that combined would close background check loopholes, ban military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, equip schools with safety resources and equipment, and increase access to mental health services.

    As a hunter, I know that the recreational use and collection of guns is important to many Iowans and I will continue to work to protect the rights of law-abiding American gun owners. But we need to ask whether people need unlimited access to any arms, including those capable of shooting hundreds of bullets in a very short time. We can support gun rights while continuing to support responsible legislation to reduce crime and make our schools and communities safer. Each of these goals is important and I believe that they can be accomplished simultaneously."

  2. "
    That is why, over the years, I have consistently supported common-sense measures to protect our communities. For example, in the past, I have voted in favor of legislation to close the loopholes on criminal background checks on gun purchases at gun shows, and to require gun manufacturers to include child safety locks on guns. I have also voted against a blanket liability exception for gun manufacturers and sellers.

    The tragedy at Newtown also shined a light on the state of our country's mental health care system. Over the past several months, I have heard from many Iowans about this issue, and their voices have been joined with people across the nation, including President Obama, calling for us to take a hard look at improving access to mental health services. In so doing, it is important to combat a common, insidious misconception that people with mental illness are inherently violent. In fact, individuals with mental illness are far more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators. We must remember that this unfounded stereotype is an impediment to reform, not a window into it.

    With this in mind, on January 24, 2013, as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, I convened a hearing to assess the state of America's mental health. We heard from expert government witnesses, as well as health care providers, mental health agencies, and patients. To view a webcast of this hearing, please visit http://www.help.senate.gov.

    The hearing highlighted some of the shortcomings of the mental health care system. To begin with, mental health illnesses are chronic diseases that disproportionately affect young people under the age of 24. Yet the system appears to be failing some of these people. Less than half of children with an identified mental illness receive treatment, and the average gap between the onset of symptoms and the receiving of treatment is nearly a decade. Failing to diagnose and treat mental illness early in life seriously - and needlessly - aggravates adult mental health illnesses.

    Shortcomings in diagnosis and treatment also spill over into other areas of society. For instance, a student struggling with a mental illness, like depression or anxiety, faces additional difficulties maintaining good grades and graduating on time. Our prisons are also overburdened by people who should be receiving treatment and substance abuse counseling as part of their rehabilitation.

    We know that when individuals with mental illnesses receive appropriate treatment and support, they can recover and lead productive, healthy lives. I am currently examining proposals to strengthen access to mental health services in our communities, in schools, and in the clinical setting. In addition, as Chairman of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that funds federal health initiatives, I plan to take a close look at opportunities to strengthen funding measures. I am also heartened at the reforms we have already made. The landmark health insurance reform law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), provides nearly 30 million previously-uninsured Americans with access to health insurance plans that will be required to include coverage for mental health and substance abuse services. Integrating primary care and mental health services will reduce barriers to care and lessen the stigma of mental illness.

    Again, thank you for sharing your views with me. Please do not hesitate to let me know how you feel on any issue that concerns you.


    Tom Harkin
    United States Senator"

  3. I'm Tom Harking and I consistently vote against gun rights. I'm Bill Nelson, me too!

  4. "Assault weapons" are not used for hunting deer.

    They are used for hunting tyrants.

  5. Finally got a response from Senator Charles Grassley

    "Thank you for taking the time to contact me concerning the heartbreaking loss of life at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. This tragic event reminds us of the fragility of life. I appreciate you writing in on such an important topic. As your Senator it is important that I hear your thoughts.

    First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers should be with the families in Newtown who have suffered an incredible loss. I am heartbroken by what happened in Newtown. Moving forward I believe that these mass shootings need to be studied and analyzed in order to comprehend why these tragedies happen. The debate on how to prevent these horrible actions needs to include all aspects and not focus solely on firearms. There must be serious and thoughtful discussion on mental health issues.

    I believe that overly restrictive gun control legislation does very little to deter criminals while imposing unnecessary burdens on law-abiding Americans who wish to own guns. Our crime reduction efforts must focus on criminals and criminal activity, not on gun control. More attention needs to be focused on the cause of crimes and not the tool used to commit the crimes. Those who use a firearm to commit a crime should serve the maximum sentence so they cannot pose a further threat to society.

    Again, thank you for contacting me. I urge you to continue to share your views with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again with any questions or comments you may have in the future. Please keep in touch.



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