Nice VW Type 3 wagon cruised past while I had my camera out taking pics of The Beast.
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Unless you go to specific car shows you rarely see any air cooled VWs anymore anywhere, especially models other than the Beetle and Bus. Part of the problem is that parts which used to be super common for them are now hard to find and nobody knows how to work on them anymore. Up north they rusted out but down here in the south it is surprising there are so few still operable. Some places you see them parked with grass or trees grown up through them so I suspect they were parked because they couldn't keep them running. You do see more of them on the road on the other side of the border as they were on the market down there and made in Mexico for years past when production ended in other countries.
Here in the PNW we have a similar situation. Type 1 cars are still around and plenty of Type 2 busses but very few Type 3 cars on the road and the Type 4 is almost nonexistent. As SJ mentioned fuel injection parts have gotten scarce, and the Type 4 wasn't a very good car