30 November 2024

Just For The Brahs Here

This is a, finely crafted, link that I guarangoddamtee to be good at the time of posting.


Notice: "Starting as soon as January 1, 2025, restrictions will take effect on the use of higher-GWP HFCs in new 1) aerosols, 2) foams, and 3) refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump equipment."

The EPA is enforcing it as a hard deadline rather than a soft phase in.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 208SilverMiner, go away and don't come back.

  2. As far as I am concerned, the EPA should be the first department totally cancelled and shut down, with every rule and regulation they have ever issued being expunged from the record. Then bring back R-12 which was the most efficient and cost effective cooling medium ever created. The so called 'ozone' hole is a natural event that waxes and wanes with sun activity. Besides, who cares if some penguins get a tad more of a sunburn some years? All so called "green" initiatives need to be killed forthwith, industry and demand drive economies, pretty much every damned government intervention guarantees catastrophe.

  3. they don't care if you die mowing the lawn and a rock thrown from your mower makes a spark next to your ac unit that has a leak...this green crap is more earth destroying than what they keep trying to get rid of...it has nothing to do with saving the planet and everything to do with certain peeps making more money...panzer guy

  4. I still have a 22 system and 30# of 22. I'm good. Plus parts


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