27 November 2024

I Don't Necessarily Trust Him

Mr Musk might not be the paragon of liberty many people are making him out to be.

Being a car guy, I noticed another side of him with Tesla.

If you buy the top of the line super duper Tesla, get bored with it and sell it to someone else; Tesla will audit the sale and decide if the next owner paid enough for all the features and if they decide they didn't:  They disable the features.

That's at least adjacent to "you will own nothing and like it" territory.

I have a hearty mistrust of places that rent you something under color of selling.


  1. That is why I dislike a lot of modern software. Instead of buying it I have to pay subscription fees, and I am never, ever sure that I'll have money for that when it's needed. I'd rather buy older software on a buy-it-and-it's-MINE basis.

    1. You might take note Geff and I have embraced freeware. They let you download the whole thing, don't check to see if you're connected to use it and don't make it stop working when the come out with a new version.

    2. Adding a 'me too' on the free software bandwagon.

  2. Property taxes. It's yours until it's not.


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