29 December 2012

Letter To The Congress Critters

Rubio and Bilrakis got this.  (Gus' was altered slightly to reflect him being a representative).

Your fellow senator, Dianne Feinstein has introduced her wishlist of a gun ban.
I find it completely unacceptable, not one thing on the list is OK. 
Any compromise is the proverbial moving my fence 100' into my neighbor's yard and calling moving the fence back 50' a compromise instead of the theft it is. 
Please stand against this where ever and when ever you can. 
I have a couple of suggestions for "compromise" if you'd like.  Removal of short barreled rifles and sound suppressors from the NFA.  Repeal of the hughes amendment.  Repeal of 922r.  Every time they remove something in the name of compromise, add one from my list.  I am sure you can find other suggestions on any gun board. 
Thanks for your time.

Nelson got this.

I am contacting you to urge you to oppose Sen. Feinstein's gun ban.  It doesn't have an S number I can refer to yet. 
The legislation, again, will not change what happened nor will the proposed legislation have affected it. 
It is useless for its stated purpose and only has the effect of angering the populace who see that it's useless. 
Thank you for your time.


I just noticed that the "contact us" form no longer has "Gun Control" on the drop down.

It was there last month...

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