23 February 2014


Over on the right is the ever common blogroll.

I've noticed that some people's are quite extensive.

Too extensive.

It makes me wonder if they ever actually read the whole thing even once a week.

I try to make it to the end of mine everyday.  One of the reasons I have it set to sort by most recent post with a teaser is so I can see if someone's updated recently.

There are a couple of daily reads that don't appear over there because they don't show as updating via whatever system Blogger is using.

There are a few who are gone from the list as well when I lost interest in what they were posting.  I know it's traditional to have a delinking ceremony, but I just didn't want the drama.  Extra drama.  I do manage to ride the llama enough all on my own.

Still I wonder about those huge lists.


  1. I used to have software similar to what you have in Blogger that had a long list of blogs I read, and would bump whoever wrote the newest post to the top. I don't know about other people, but I personally used it when I was looking for something to read.

    But the software didn't work and caused crashes and slow load times, so I dumped it. I feel a little bad about that, but not as bad as if I just went to the standard long alphabetized list.

    Those long lists are as good as worthless because it just becomes TLDR.

  2. At last count I had 163. 7 of them are no longer updating Such as William The Coroner, And Xavier Thoughts. But I keep them in memory basically. I used to go through all of them every other day, but I am recovering from an injury so I haven't been able to. However when I was, I was able to go through all of them except the aforementioned ones in about 4 hours normally. Being medically retired/disabled gives me lots of free time.

  3. So, I'm holding my blog roll wrong?


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