08 February 2014

Not This Again...

Note: this is a free-form rant/vocalization not a mission statement or manifesto.  Actual position on this topic might be more fluid/flexible than it may appear.

I get that abortion is a hot button issue.

No denying it.

Here's something the pro-life side might consider...

Tone down the murderer rhetoric.  Screaming, "ABORTION IS MURDER!  YOU ARE A MURDERER AND MUST BE PUNISHED!" is not a winning argument.

Convince, not force.

You know, like you believe and advocate about any other position?

The reason the whole murderer thing is an actual line in the sand item for people who were pro-choice but may now come to agree with you is brutally simple.

It's entirely possible that a pro-choice person has had or has paid for an abortion.

If you manage to successfully legislate abortion as murder; murder has no statute of limitation.  Your "burn the witch" fervor on the topic definitely convinces them that once it's declared murder then what's a medical procedure now will be declared a methodology of homicide and the doctor's records will be used to prosecute them.

Stop scaring them!  You might find a more receptive audience if your approach includes some forgiveness.

While we're equivocating:  The core assumption with many pro-life arguments is the embedded embryo has the potential to become a person.  Ignoring that it is not yet, and will not be, a person for quite a while (and the moment of personhood is a VERY subjective event).  I'm familiar with the "potentiality" lines of thought for banning an activity.  I learned it from gun control.  Because my AR has the POTENTIAL to do some very nasty things, we must ban them.  You don't accept this rationale with guns, why do you use this logic with babies?  Don't even fucking try to say, "but this is different!"  Just don't.

I'll even come out and say it.  Abortion is wrong.  It is at the least, a waste.  Abortions are a solution akin to closing the barn door once the horse has already fled.  The actual problem is that people who don't want to have children are having sex.  Fix that and the abortion question becomes meaningless.

There's another fly in the ointment here too.  A prominent portion of the people who are pro-life are also very much against children learning anything at all about sex.  Since the age where "children" reach sexual maturity is well before they reach legal adulthood; we have a problem.  Biological imperatives are difficult to suppress and near impossible without sure knowledge that denying them is for the greater good.  Just saying that sex is wrong will probably not get you there, kids ask "why?" and "God says so" or "you're not ready to" isn't going to be strong enough.

Never mind that there's lots of sex that can't lead to pregnancy that could be going on that slakes the urges; isn't that preferable to unwanted babies?

Never mind that the blanket pro-life position assumes that these people are worth saving.  My oft repeated Shitheel example(s) lead me to think that some abortion, and straight up execution, would do the world a great deal of good.  Preventing Dumbass Fuckwad Shitheel having his first three children would have saved us from three counts of welfare from cradle to 18 then fifteen MORE counts of welfare...  Guess what his grandspawn are learning...  They are not learning to be people, they are learning to be parasites.  Killing them in the womb would have been CHEAPER.

But you never know...  One of them POTENTIALLY could break out of the cycle and become a model citizen, so I suppose we have to give them the chance.

The pro-life plan has to include a prevent Shitheel clause.  They always cite their Catholicism as the reason for not using birth control or having an abortion.

In Perfect World™ there are no unwanted children and every baby is born into a loving, welcoming home.  In real world there are unwanted children.  Which is actually better?  Dying before you are born or spending your entire childhood being raised by people who don't like you and wish you'd never been born?  In the latter case it's a pretty miserable existence, because my Dad didn't want me to be born and resented my existence right up until the State stopped garnishing his wages for child support.  I, in turn, will resent his treatment of me until the day he dies.  Should be soon.

Is that enough sharing for everyone?

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I would think that if people object strongly to abortion-qua-abortion, they'd be pushing birth control as hard as they could. There are some methods, like Norplant, that are essentially "fire-and-forget," and last for several years at a time. But devil a word from them about birth control have I ever heard. I have my own hypotheses about why this is so...


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