13 June 2011

Inglorious End to an Old Lady

We won't be getting any more footage like this again, Liberty Belle is dead.  Sad that the plane is gone, but at least everyone got out OK.  Kudos to the pilot for getting her down so that everyone could get out.  If this was a flight like the one my little video is from, there should be a ton of pics from the passengers before too long.

I think that these old birds belong in the sky, but that means that eventually there will be none left as freak (or not-so-freak) occurrences eventually get them all.

Links: NBC Chicago; EAA; and WKRC Cincinnati.  Link directly to the "crash" pics.  Edit to add: this was not a crash you dunderheaded journalism majors!  This was an emergency landing, successfully made!  Also you should not be reporting "seven survived" in the headlines, that implies that there were some who didn't.  Report "no one hurt" and you'll be more accurate.  Things like that are why you're losing readers.

Pics of my trip to see her in October, 2009.
by z09ss

1 comment:

  1. Out in Cali-yuck!-Fornia, they're restoring one of the last B-17s built for WWII, Picadilly Lily, to flying shape. It's at the Planes of Fame museum.


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