03 May 2013

Every Year About The Same Time

The mouth breathing ignorant deserve to die by being slowly ground against a tire in a wheel well of a long haul semi shitheel bikers start letting fly with the "cager" when one of their stupid asses gets nailed by a car.

I'm done being polite about the fucking morons.

You're on a bike.  You are extra vulnerable to every little thing and it behooves YOU to pay a lot more attention to the environment because it's far more dangerous for you than everyone else.

And I know most of you are not paying any attention because I've made a point of watching for the past two years since the cager burr really caught under my saddle.

If you're out there using cager, you are part of the problem and I hope you get hit by a car and die.

Fuck off because you can't seem to be taught.

1 comment:

  1. "Cager" bugs me in much the same way (and for much the same reason) as "sheeple".


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