04 October 2017


If we were really doing this 2nd Amendment thing like the framers were thinking, it'd look a lot more Swiss than what we're doing.

Everyone would have their issued service rifle and would have to show up for drill periodically with a requisite amount of ammo and gear.

But, just as any speech can be construed to be political speech and thus protected by the 1st Amendment, so are any arms protected by the 2nd.

It's a loophole, possibly intentionally inserted into the Bill of Rights.

Underscored, however, is we're supposed to have the same weapons as our soldiers.  US v Miller even says it plainly when it upholds GCA '34 and notes that a sawed-off shotgun isn't part of regular infantry kit.

If Miller had been busted with a Thompson or a BAR, the whole thing might have been scrapped right there.

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