14 March 2014

Smaller Army

The Army is shrinking.

I am not entirely sure that it's completely bad.

We've definitely got our noses in a lot of things that aren't our damn business and should butt out.  A smaller Army would facilitate that since we'd be unable to butt-in.

In days long past...

One of the ways you could tell the US was serious about something was we sent the Army.  We'd send the Marines at the drop of a hat, but if the Army was there; it was warre and it ended with your nation's name being amended to Territory of...

Long before double ewe double ewe eye.

Our present state is amazingly impotent for as capable as it is.  At least a smaller military will scale the capability down to its actual ability...

I've long said it, if you're not willing to make the place you're sending the troops Territory of the United States; then don't send them.  Yes, I know that means a reversion to the old nation state model of international affairs, but like so many things that worked for so long; it is time tested under real-world conditions.  Present foreign policy and military use is being developed for a world that someone hopes exists.

I should add that I am not saying we should not have an Army at all or that we should never use it.  What I am saying is we should stop looking for trouble in places we have no interests.

Should a place of no-interest become a breeding ground of people who force us to notice, thus take interest; it's a territory when we're done and it's culture is reduced to Taco Bell and St Patrick's Day levels as a part of OUR culture.

Europe may be fine with never ending a war and fighting it over and over.  I'm not.  And until President Wilson, neither was America.

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