19 March 2014

Term Limits

One of the big problems with term limits is the fuckweasil knows that they will not have to face the voters again.

That lets them get up to all sorts of mischief.

The unlimited reelection system gives us career fuckweasils who have an intimate knowledge of the system and how to manipulate it.

I wonder if there's a middle ground solution.

No consecutive terms.  You do your two years as a representative or six as a senator and you've got to sit out the next election.

They can't go career so easily, and since they might want to run again they have to temper their behavior because they could easily be facing the voters again time after next.


  1. If only the memory of the people was longer than that of a goldfish.

  2. It wouldn't even take much longer than a goldfish if the people considered themselves the 4th branch of government they were intended to be when the nation was founded.


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