28 March 2014

Where Are They

I intend to get a Glock 17 sometime in the next year.

I used to have a 1st Gen, so that's got some appeal.

I can't find one for sale.  I can find a few 2nd gens.  Lots of 3rd and 4th.

This has me thrown for a loop, you can find just about anything readily on the internet and the older Glock 17's just aren't for sale?


Are they so good that people are hanging on to them hard, or are they not aging well?

I dunno because I don't see one for sale.

I'd really prefer a 2nd gen gun because I don't care for the finger swells that start with 3rd gen.  1st gen is the nostalgia favorite since I've owned two of those.

Spoke too soon.

Search Fu Hint: Search for "Gen n" not "nth Gen"


  1. It's funny you should mention this because last fall Shootin' Buddy mentioned he wanted to get new sights for his "old Glock". There are a couple of Glock armorers who set up at the big Indy 1500 shows and do land office business in sights and aftermarket goodies and we stopped at the table of one of these guys and SB reaches in his backpack and pulls out an honest-to-gawd old skool pre-'88 pebble-grip G17.

    "Where'd you get that?" I asked.

    "Got it knew when I was in high school."

    I wish I had cool parents like that; mine wouldn't let me have a BB gun.

    He got TFOs put on it: http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/2013/09/gratuitous-gun-pr0n-65.html

  2. "New", even. Without the "k".

  3. Had an MPDC marked 17 that I sold because someone else wanted it more. I appreciate the use of nth versus nnd. ;)


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