22 March 2014

Five Guns I'll Never Own

Numerous hat-tips; but I found it here.

Never say never!

And I am not really sure if this is supposed to be a list of guns that I'd refuse to own or a list of guns that I'd merely be unlikely to own.

Let's go with refuse.

#5 A Mossberg pump shotgun.  I already have a Remington 870 gathering dust for the most part; why would I want another pump taking up space?

#4 Springfield Armory XD.  They don't fit me.

#3 Another Mini-14.  I've gotten this gun out of my system thoroughly.

#2 A plastic revolver.  They don't look how I want a revolver to look while remaining uninterestingly conventional.

#1 Anything from H&K.  This is mostly because of the rabid fans than any particular failing of any particular model.  Mostly they don't fit my hand, but there are exceptions.  The G3 variations are actually OK fitting, but I prefer the FAL so that niche is filled.

There's a large list of guns that I'd never buy for myself (even if I could afford some of them), but would accept as gifts.

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