19 July 2013

Better Than Yesterday

SiL Writes:

Stable last night. When I got here this morning he opened his eye to look at me. Told him I loved him and he turned and puckered up for a kiss! He is in there just taking time to come out. Tried to take him off the vent, he is breathing on his own but too fast, he could go into heart failure, so not awake enough yet to manage on his own. He is focusing a lot today on trying to itch "down there" so it's again another sign of Herk again! Lol Nothing planned for today, no new bleeds on the scans, just some meds, food and tying to get him to go to the bathroom!

That's positive, right?  Hope and stuff!

He is stable, acknowledging throughout the day, following some commands. Stats are showing his lungs are stronger and retaining air better. They will continue to try to take him off the vent daily as long as his stats support it. Next attempt will be tomorrow morning.

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