15 July 2013


I weep.

I weep that all those decades of listening to the racists and thinking they were cracked; and they make sense now.

I look back and, yes, they WERE cracked.

Their clock is stopped, but twice a day the time will match.

It makes me so very sad to watch a portion of America living up to those extremely low expectations of people who are so very, VERY ignorant and savage.

They were once so very wrong about those whom they hated, but the objects of their hate changed over time to fit the racists mold.

Congratulations, Democrats!  You lost the election, then the war but you won in the end and eradicated all the promise of more than 10% of the population.

I see you want to help Mexicans now.

¡Huya!  Huya de porqué usted todavía puede.  Es un desvío.  Quieren hacerle apenas como el hombre negro.  Quieren esclavizarle.

1 comment:

  1. This country, has helped millions of minorities shed the chains of poverty, the country hits a bump in the road, and it's whities fault, amazing ........;(


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