17 July 2013

Double Quote

"One death is a tragedy.  A million deaths is a statistic."  Either Stalin or Goebbels depending on the accuracy of Bing.

"Of all the young black shooting victims in this country, you can name 1. Because you’ve been trained like a circus seal to bark on command."  Iowahawk.

And there you go, racists.

All of the effort you're putting into Zimmerman and Zimmerman alone is pretty damn telling.  Even if George is a rabid CENSORED-hatin' Klansman, the fact that you aren't worked up about a second named case proves it's an anomaly!  There's not one shred of evidence that George Zimmerman is a racist either.  Not even shit taken out of context.  I'd be in big trouble because there's lots on this blog that, taken the wrong way, would paint me as a grade A hater.

The second fact is there's so many black men killed by other black men that to name each individual instance would take days of non-stop reading of the names.  Yet no time at all is spent lamenting this unless you actually knew one of the people slain.

I can think of only a couple of instances of genuine race related violence (in the past 10 years or so) and in every single one the full weight of the law was applied and the guilty men punished to the fullest extent.

White on black violence is so rare as to be statistically insignificant.  It just doesn't happen any more.  Your absolute best barometer of that is the media most assuredly reports each and every instance with bated breath hoping for the race riot to end all race riots to garner both the coveted ratings and perhaps a pulitzer for their "brave" revelation that racism is not yet dead in the USA.

Well, it's not dead.  It's just reversed polarity.


Want to see an example of genuine racists murdering a black man in recent news? James Byrd Jr

If America is as racist as Sharpton and Jackson say, where were the mass lynchings in retaliation for the murder of Ken Tillery?

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