14 July 2013


I've been listening.

Paying attention.

I think that I might have a hypothesis about why there were no riots last night.

The tone from "white people" has been increasingly less tolerant of the bullshit lately.

At my wife's office the mood is palpable.  The swaggering arrogance from some of her co-workers has been decidedly muted of late.  The Lovely Harvey says she doesn't mind because they sure seem to work more when they drop the act.

At any rate.  The rumors and the murmurs and the tone and the mood all lead one place.

The next riot will be the last riot.


Tam is so right.  Zero to ovens faster than any society on the planet.

I can't phrase the attitude without touching on a well worn racist metaphor.

It's almost as if the indulgent parent has realized they've raised a spoiled child and this time we're not going to post bail because it's time for their child to grow up and face the consequences of their decisions.  I don't like phrasing it that way because the racists have been saying blacks are like little kids for decades.  Perhaps if we'd been better parents?

That's as much white guilt as you're going to get out of me.

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother, it seems like the word is out, push the wrong button and something is gonna go boom............


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