15 July 2013

Brother Update

Text from Sister in Law:

Update: calm all night. Just checked by trauma surgeon and he is appearing more alert on the left side still with intent and is able to pull your arm away when you are inflicting pain. His left eye is contracting now but not tracking which is just not showing brain activity directing that eye yet. His right eye is completely dilated and may stay that way permanently due to where the bleeding in the brain is. The trauma surgeon said he wouldn't be surprised by his eye staying that way and basically being dead but we still have to wait and see. He is scheduled for surgery to repair his femur at 11am. I will update when I know more.

I am not sure how positive that is.

11:18 Update:
Update: nurse just did an assessment and asked him to squeeze her hand and hold up two fingers ( still on the good side, left side) and he did it! So nice to see a reaction! Right side still MUCH slower.


  1. Prayers for your brother.

    I know, but you're getting them anyway. :P

  2. Yeah, from me too. Glad to hear of the improvement.


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