11 July 2013


What fucking moron decided that the Zimmerman trial would start just before the NAACP convention?

Even worse, guess what city the NAACP is having their convention in...

Go ahead...


For those of you not familiar with Florida geography, Sanford, FL (where the Zimmerman self defense situation happened) is a suburb on the east side of Orlando.

The jury looks to be handed the case tomorrow and it doesn't seem like deliberation will take very long since the defense has already basically said, "Judge, I think we can stand on what the prosecution said; will you dismiss?  No?  <resigned> OK, we have witnesses of our own that are just as supportive of our side as theirs too."

These conventions aren't booked at the spur of the moment, normally it takes at least a year to book, oftentimes more.  It's possible the NAACP chose Orlando because of the Zimmerman/Martin event and pushed hard to book it in the year since; but it's more likely it's an unhappy coincidence that we have a racially charging press event and an organization of the race of the dead guy is having a convention near where he got dead.

But the damn trial most certainly was scheduled long after the NAACP booked it.  Waiting a month after circling for a year would have been an undue burden for a speedy trial?

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