04 July 2013

TL 3

Thorvald Bjarndyrson

A Viking.  His father's name was actually Ragnar, but he's been the son of the bear since his first fight.

He's a sailor and a merchant, but also a raider.  A slaver.

He's not down on his luck, he's just getting started in what he hopes will be a long successful career.  He's managed to augment his strangely tough skin with a jacket of mail and a helm; soon he hopes to buy a sword horse.

It seems like the price of a sword horse always eludes him, there's always something needing bought or fixed that depletes his savings.  Not to mention he loves to gamble and he's a generous soul to his friends.

His generosity and charitable nature may seem to fly in the face of his profession, but it means his captures are well cared for and healthy when they arrive at market.  To that end he's also learned the chiurgen's skills.

On the sword front I screwed up on buying wealth anticipating the armor to cost a lot more than it did and had money enough left over for a sword, but not so much I could drop the wealth from comfortable to average.

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