14 September 2017


Thirteen years without an AWB.

Somehow, despite this, nearly all of us are still here to talk about it.

Almost as if they were lying about how dangerous the things are.

I don't even own the two "assault weapons" I owned when the ban fell anymore.

Nor the featureless rifle I bought during the ban.

The ban has caused be to seek the features quite often, just in case it causes physical discomfort to the gun banners.

Interestingly, the only AR I own that has all of the banned features is a registered short-barreled rifle.  Harvey too.

My AKM is a full feature gun.

As I've grown up I find that I just don't care for the AR slider stocks most of the time.  There's exceptions, but for the most part I don't like them.

I've never, not even once, stabbed anything other than a cardboard box with a mounted bayonet.  But thanks to the AWB, if I can get the lug it will be there.


  1. It's so funny in a Pavlov kind of way that I can not go to any store with AR platform rifles and marvel over the sheer availability of 30 round mags. I was 6 since the AWB passed so it definitely shaped my world view. I still have a desire to hoard in opened mags.

  2. Yes, there is an argument to be made that if Di Fi and Chuckie want to ban something it becomes the patriotic duty of ever free citizen to own at least one. Thank God they didn't try to ban Pirazzi shotguns.

  3. To be fair I'm living in the 24th consecutive year of the Awb, and thanks to Maura Healey's illegal actions I couldn't buy an AR in any configuration without risking prison time. (And technically they could get me for 10 years in the pen right now if they're looking for a fight)

    I don't see it happening on the national level again, but the antis have been taking up a divide-and-conquer surgical strike model, so you never know if some other state might join the ranks.


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