Shooting is FUN!
I'm starting to notice its opposite.
"Shooting is serious grim".
The grim seems to take hold somewhere between the first and third "spent the whole weekend at a shooting school".
If they're still having fun, they've totally lost the ability to express their enjoyment.
It doesn't seem to matter what the classes focus on. Once they've spent more than a certain number of hours on learning it, their sense of humor about it seems to evaporate.
I think it's because they've managed to turn a recreation activity into work. Work is the polar opposite of fun.
It's not just shooting where this happens. I've seen it with gaming. I've seen it with hot-rodding.
I've always asked, "if you're not getting paid for doing this, why do you persist at something which is so very clearly making you miserable?"
Everything about their supposed recreational activity is a monotonous slog. Never a happy moment.
"So and so didn't log on for the raid and..."
"The same guy wins the trophy at the car show every week..."
"We start at noon, if you're not here by..."
"I've got to hit the range and shoot 100 rounds..."
For Gods' sake, remember to have fun!
I'm reminded of...
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