10 July 2014


I've put a finger on my yearning desire for open carry.

It was not any of the justifications I've made.

It's because someone says I can't.

Being forbidden didn't work for my mom and she was my MOM!

She could punish me for disobeying, as the police surely will if I open carry locally, but they can't stop the "wanna" that stems naturally from "you're not allowed and I'm not going to explain why."  Mom discovered that explaining worked pretty well.  The explanations as to why OC should be illegal ring hollow even if reasons to forebear from open carrying, such as tactics and politeness, are solid.

Like so many things, I suspect that once I'm allowed I'll do it once and never again.  Maybe twice.  Once to show I can, twice for novelty then...

PS: I've heard that open carry was sort of legal before the shall issue law was passed...  Legal at the local sheriff's sufferance.  I've also heard that the shall-issue law made open carry completely legal until the very liberal east side of Florida panicked about it.  I've found several dead links that supposedly discussed it.

1 comment:

  1. I like open carry because while I prefer my heater to be tucked away discreetly until I need to use it, I would rather this not be mandated by penalty of law.

    People will tell me to pull my pants up when I accidentally flag a little crack, I prefer it to be this way with guns. "Hey Beard, you're printing/showing a little there!"

    Rather than officer friendly clapping bracelets on me. This goes double when you live in a damn tropical climate.


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