15 July 2014

Imperial Battle Dress

At Traveller TL13 Battle Dress is introduced.  GURPS (TL10) calls it Battledress.

It's whiz-bang stuff.

The Imperium is kind of light on the gun control, even if individual worlds might have severe restrictions.

Battledress is something the players are going to want because it's damn handy in a fight with Traveller state-of-the-art weaponry.

How does a GM keep that from happening?

It's clearly not illegal where the CR is low.  Players have many mischievous ways of putting together the funds to purchase it.

Supply is the answer.

The Imperial megacorporations are all owned by a noble, a noble family or a consortium of noble families.  The company that makes the battledress for the Imperial Marines simply doesn't make more than are ordered.  The Marines order 100, 100 are made, they are never sold to another customer.

Not available at any price.

Why doesn't someone else make the stuff?  Patents.  Remember the Imperium is feudally organized, the Emperor can declare certain patents eternal.

Battledress isn't really that destabilizing to not be available for individual purchase, but it's symbolic.  If the troops landing are in battledress; they're Imperial Marines.  It sends a message.  It affects morale.

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