21 October 2024

5.56 For Home Defence And General Looter Repellent

There's been a flurry of YouTube vids that have been suggested for my perusal about what is the best 5.56x45mm for home defense.

They're mostly focused on how the very affordable M855 isn't really all that good for social use.

It always mentions that M193 isn't ideal either.

I feel like I need to remind some of these pundits that 55gr M193 has killed more people than every other version of 5.56x45mm combined.

Both rounds work at social distances.  Even a barrel so short you have to call your AR a pistol or pay for a stamp will with either at the ranges you're going to see inside your house.

The main problem with SS109 and M855 rounds is indifferent quality control and the steel portion of the round not being precisely located inside the jacket.  That affects accuracy.

Many range forbid M855 rounds because they tend to chew up the back-stop or are a spark and fire hazard.

That sucks because it's affordable.

I prefer 69gr Sierra Match King for social purposes.

I would not, however, feel unarmed if I had to resort to one of the 1:12 twist retro guns firing M193.

PS: If one of the aforementioned looters makes me use my heavier-than-an-FAL M16A4 clone to repel them, they are going to die.  Even if I have to beat them to death with a flip-flop.  Gods I dislike that thing.  Even if it IS an accurate rifle, it's too gorram heavy.

1 comment:

  1. I'll stick with 12 gauge double OO buck for close quarters. Just point and shoot Mr. Shockwave will do the rest.


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