23 October 2024

Because They're The Canaries In The Coal Mine

I've been asked why I'm so concerned about Jews and people hating on Jews when I am not, in fact, Jewish.

Because the people who hate and murder Jews have no compunctions about killing other groups.

The Holocaust is a great example.

Jews were the majority of the people killed in the death camps, but they were not the only people killed in the death camps.

In all likelihood, when the last Jew is up the chimney, the people who killed them will begin to look for others to keep the camps in business.

Radical Islam, for example, has a long list of non-Jews they wanna whack.  That list will not get shorter once they've done for Israel.

Not that I expect them to manage the task.

Of course, it sure looks like a large chunk of the Islamic world is fine with Israel ending the Iran problem, and if that takes the radical Islam problem with it...

1 comment:

  1. The Muzzies are divided between Sunni and Shia, with Sunni making up about 85% of the Muzzies and Shia about 15%. The difference between them is who they believe succeeded Muhammad, and the split goes back 1400 years. Everything was relatively OK for most of Muslim history, but in the 1970’s with the Iranian Revolution, the Shia went nuts and started bombing the Sunnis (among others). The Sunnis returned the favor, and hence the BIG rift now. This makes for strange alliances. The Saudis and the Emirates are letting Israel use their territory to launch missions against Iran because Israel has no long range bombers. If the Saudis did not allow Israel the use of their territory, Israel would need to use fighters to drop bombs, and that would require air refueling multiple times.

    I blame the Iranians for all the strife in the Middle East now. If the US had a real president, none of this would have happened. Look up Operation Praying Mantis to see how Regan dealt with the Iranians when they attacked an Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil shipments and mined the Straight of Hormuz. The US Navy, in under 24 hours, destroyed 1/2 of the Iranian navy with no U.S. losses. If Biden ordered the Air Force to take out key Iranian infrastructure, including the hardened nuclear facilities, none of this crap would be happening. Obama gave the Iranians pallets of cash totaling billions of dollars and released all sanctions on Iranian assets and oil sales. Biden continued the same. All that money went into financing Hizb’Allah and Hamas and the Houhtis. Carl von Clausewitz wrote a book “On War,”which is a classic studdied at West Point and other military academies. One of the themes is for strong nations to use their military to dictate diplomacy. Unfortunately, the dumbos in charge have no education in diplomacy or military science.


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