28 October 2024

Because It Kinda Does

I've been considering the range stats I give to 6.5 Grendel and wondering if I should add the 10% fudge factor allowed in Vehicles for the range.

That would change it from 730/4,000 to 800/4,400 with a 16" barrel.

This is .270 Win v .30-06 all over again with the rules favoring the bigger round.

6.5 really does hang onto velocity longer than 6.8; I've never disputed it.  My dispute was always that 6.8 was just as good where everyone but a sniper or long range target shooter would use it.

For humane hunting and combat, there's not a lot of difference between them.

But wait!  There's more!

6.8 really shouldn't have a longer 1/2D range...  What's missing from the equation?  I remembered something and went back to check.

While the 6.8 community had settled in hard for 16" (with midlength gas) as the "standard" barrel...  Most of the velocity numbers quoted by 6.5 advocates were for the 24" barrel.

That changes the damage to 6d+1 pi and the range to 870/4,400 without fudge factor.

There we go!

6.5 Grendel now GURPS!

It's also underscoring what lots of 6.8 people have been saying for a while, the Grendel folks (at least the furries) weren't comparing apples to apples.  In a couple of the proposed head to heads they wouldn't even concede to use the same LOWER...  Which shouldn't matter to comparing the two rounds.

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