06 October 2024

It's Just Evacuation Once Again Running Away With Me

When we bought this place, we were Evacuation Zone C.  The border with B ran down the middle of my street.

West was B, East was C.

At some point, the line got moved to my fence in the back yard.

This year, I note, the line is in the middle of the next street East of me.

Our elevation above mean sea level did not change.

What changed was the flooding the next street West would get.

That was caused by developers WAY upstream from me putting impermeable houses and streets and drainage systems in that fed into the waterway downstream from me.

Exacerbating the problem was neglect in clearing the channels in the rivers that we drained into in the next county over.

And the local drainage system assuming that nothing had changed since 1969 when my 'hood got built.

Since 2019, they've addressed and fixed all that.

But since we had flooding that got within X distance EVER, we're downgraded.

I don't think we're gonna evacuate.

This doesn't look to be carrying the surge needed to get to us.

I can tell because I have a topographic map!

The people who make the zone boundaries don't.

There's places in that C zone that are lower than me and more directly attached to a waterway that could get water to them.

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