27 October 2024

No Shit There I Was

There was once a time when I brought an AR to the range for a friend's family member to try out because Valentine matched the configuration their family member was most likely to encounter in the service.

They brought me ammo in their own magazines to use so I wouldn't have to use my stock up.  That was nice of them!  Extremely considerate, actually.

The problem, though, was them being fairly well used USGI aluminum mags.

They weren't feeding correctly.

Happily, I did have a PMAG in my range bag and I moved the ammo over to my magazine and the gun ran great thereafter.

I have not clucked about that until today.  My friend looks askance at plastic gun stuff and it rankles that PMAGs trend to being better than the old fashioned metal magazines.

That trend is in how they wear.  Brand new; there's hardly a difference.  But USGI aluminum magazines don't show that they're getting past their serviceable life and your first indication they're worn out is the sudden increase in the rate of malfunctions.

When a PMAG gives up the ghost you can see that it has.

How they show damage works the same way.

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