23 October 2024

Funny New Guys

GURPS came up with a world called Merlin.  It's the centerpiece of GURPS: Technomancer.

Technomancer was set in the same year it was published, 1998.

One divergence from our home timeline, in addition to magic coming from the Trinity Event, is the US winning the Vietnam war.

A small supplement for Merlin covering playing in 'Nam, Funny New Guys, came out in 2004 and is set in 1962 through 1975.

A staple, to me, of Technomancer was the chimera.  Partially human, partially animal to some degree.

Full chimara are more animal looking than human.  Half-chimera are more human with animal traits.

The animals listed are Cats, Coyote, Foxes, Hawks, Snakes, and Spiders.

The cat is a mountain lion or puma.

The coyote is what it seems.

The fox is a gray fox.

Hawks are likely red tail hawks.

Snakes are diamond back rattlers.

Spiders are red-leg tarantulas. 

You might notice that cats, coyotes, and foxes have fur.  Hawks have feathers.  Spiders are hairy.

Humans aren't furry.

Vietnam is wet and muddy.

Bare skin is unpleasant enough with mud and wet; but FUR?

I have made several full-snake chimera characters for this setting, but never a furry one.

I've considered a spider.

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