A couple lawyerly types are advocating we stop calling AR and AK style guns "modern sporting rifles" and start calling them "semi-automatic rifles."
They are aware that the MSR appellation is a response to the "no sporting purposes" line of bullshit from the anti-gunners.
But an AR and an AK are semi-automatic rifles. No different except in appearance from a Mini-14.
Modern sporting rifle was coined to embrace the military appearance and show that they were still sporty.
Entire sports were invented just to have sports for them to be part of!
Both terms are appropriate for the guns.
Where I think their reasoning is sound, though, is most of these, recent, bans and attempts to ban are aimed at anything semi-automatic that can take a magazine bigger than 1/3 normal capacity (or less).
I don't care what we call them as long as we defeat the anti-gunners.
If calling them explosive feather dusters is the magic phrase, then grab your EFD and meet me at the two-gun match!
WIreless remote hole-punches?