05 February 2025

Department Of Higher Education

The Department of Education was broken out of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare by congress under The Department of Education Organization Act.

Ostensibly to improve K-12 scores?

HEW was around since 1953.

It sprang from the Federal Security Agency from 1939.

All you have to do to see that K-12 education in America was not aided by these agencies is to compare today's reading levels to just about any private's letter in Civil War Diaries.

Or grab a grade school grammar primer from when one room school houses were prevalent.

It's in America's interest to have an educated populace.

A populace that knows how to read, write, do math and understand civics.

It would appear that we did that better before the Federal government got involved.

There's always a but.

Something that the DoE actually does well is provide access to money that many people otherwise would not get so that they can get an education beyond high school.

Primarily through grants and student loans to trade schools.

This turns minimum wage (best case) workers into people who will pay significantly more in taxes (actually pay and not get more back than they put in).  People who can afford to buy stuff and keep other parts of the economy running.

So I think we should change the DoE into an agency that processes those loans and get them out of the credential and syllabus business.

The only thing that should matter is if the borrower graduates, gets a job and repays the loans.

If Auntie Pearl's School of Underwater Latinx Naval Gazing produces graduates who can do that, then they, and their students, are eligible to receive funding.

I would also demand that all schools meet this standard.

If a state wants to pour their own money into something that doesn't lead to a paying job most of the time, they're free to do so, but the federal money is tied to programs that lead to productive citizens.

The model is already running.  How do you think college football is funded?

Get the alumni to fork over the cash!

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