04 February 2025

Reality Check

Thanks to C&Rsenal I now know that the capacity of the Winchester 1887 is different from what GURPS says.

The real gun holds 5 in the tube magazine and can have one in the chamber and one on the shell elevator.

That makes the shots 5+2.

Changes made to my consolidated chart.


I misinterpreted it.

What you can do is load five in the tube, put one on the carrier then close the action, making it 5+1!

For both 10 and 12 gauge.


  1. Sorry C&Rsenal would be incorrect and GURPS is correct. I have a Chiappa 1887 repro and it takes 5 in the tube and 2 on the elevator. I had messed around with Cowboy Action Shooting and you can only reload 2 shells at a time, so you would drop 2 on the elevator and slam it closed and have your reload. So Personal experience is 5 in the tube 2 on the elevator 5 + 2

    1. C&Rsnenal isn't wrong, per se. They didn't say if you could put five in the tube, one on the elevator and then one in the chamber.

      They SHOWED, once time, five in the tube and one on the elevator then closed the action for 5+1. They didn't show if you could close the action and leave a round on the elevator.

      I will defer to someone who's actually done it!


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