09 February 2025

Don't Lie

The prices on Wanad pistols have come down enough for me to think that I could almost afford one.

Knowing the cut-off for C&R is now 1975, that means that some of them are eligible.

This is where the "fun" begins.

Many sellers on Gunbroker indicate that if they don't specifically state "C&R OK" then it's "C&R No".

Many don't say, so I ask.

A couple have replied that they don't because of the "increasing number of state laws restricting C&R pistol sales."

That sounded plausible.

So I tried looking up state laws restricting sales of pistols to C&R FFLs.

I am having trouble coming up with a state that says a C&R FFL has to go through a normal FFL to receive a pistol.  California, for Fuck's sake, even exempts Crufflers from the handgun roster!

New York is the only state I found, so far, that has additional requirements for a C&R holder and that's to register it like any other handgun in the state.

Maybe my google-fu has failed me, but if it's this hard to find, it's usually just an excuse for a normal FFL to not deal with collectors...  You know, the actual market for an obscure Polish military pistol?


  1. Regular FFLs don't like C&R FFL because they say it cuts into their sales. That's the bottom line real reason. They'll give a lot of BS about how C&R people are shifty or possibly criminals, etc... It's all BS.

    About the only almost legit complaint I've found is that apparently they can't use one of BATFE's online license checks on C&R FFLs because they aren't in that database for some stupid reason. That's really BATFE's fault, not C&R holders. It also is kinda just laziness or paranoia on the part of FFLs. I often wonder if they even actually check every 01 FFL they do transfers with or if they ever check any at all, or it is just totally an excuse. As far as I know there is no rule requiring they check and it is my understanding that if anyone supposedly sends them a fake FFL or C&R copy, it is on the person who sends the fake, not on them for accepting it in good faith.

    1. At least one of the local pawn shops checks because they told me my FFL didn't come up in the system when I sold them a Mosin.

      I reminded them that C&R doesn't show in the system, but because I had it logged, we need to show it as an FFL transfer not a private sale.

  2. Having the same issue... Have the C&R but have yet to use it, so many sellers apparently just don't want to deal with them. Well, that and looking for things that are apparently stupidly rare...


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