09 February 2025

Don't Throw Me In The Briar Patch Brer Kim

 Democrat Senator threatens to shut down the government because DOGE is shutting down the government.


Do it.

Shut the whole bitch down.

Let America discover how little they need you and the government.

If I were him, I'd be a lot more worried that the people discovered they liked having no federal government than he appears to be.

Plus, with the blinders off, he's not going to be able to blame Trump for the pains that come.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, if they want rule by executive orders only, this is how they get it.

    And, yes, let it shut down. Even if a continuing resolution isn't passed, or a budget, the military still gets paid, along with social security and many other agencies. It's all the little ones and corrupt ones that are basically money laundering operations for the Dems that are affected.

    Interestingly, it's also those little and corrupt ones that we mostly can do without.

    As long as whomever is in charge doesn't do what Barky the Lightbringer did and shutter every federal museum or park or lands or memorial.


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