12 February 2025

Gunner Sabot Tank

We're taking our M1(IP) out today against a Godless Soviet T-72B1V.

It's covered in Kontakt-1 ERA.

Hull front is DR 1,130L, turret front is DR 1,695L.

The 105mm M900 does 6dx34(2) pi++ inc.

On average that's a roll of 714 (a roll of 21 on the dice)  which will penetrate 1,428 DR of armor.

We will punch the hull, on average, but not the turret.

Since we're normally aiming for the center of the glacis, that's fine.

Note that we only need to roll 25 on the dice to punch the turret.

This is assuming that M900 is good for punching 520mm RHAE.

If it can punch 650mm, like some sources say, then the average roll of 21 is multiplied by 42 instead for 882 and penetrating 1,764 DR.

Knock knock, we're in the turret!

How will we do against a T-80BV equipped with Kontakt-5 ERA?

The frontal armor is 2,176 for the hull and 1,500 for the turret.  Aim a bit higher there, gunner.

If Kontakt-5 reduces penetration by 20% then we will, reliably, penetrate 1,411 DR.  Uh oh!  Bad news in Twilight: 2000 but the T-80 didn't have Kontakt-5 when the M1(IP) roamed the earth.

A T-90 is going to be laughing at us from the front with 2,190 on the hull and 1,725 on the turret.

T2K will not have the M1(IP), it's going to have the M1A1(HA) at the minimum.

The M829A1 round is subject to the effects of the Kontakt-5.  Its 6dx46(2) pi++ inc will reliably penetrate DR 1,932, or 1,545 if protected by Kontakt-5.  Good enough for the turret on a T-80BV, but not enough for a T-90.

The M829A2, however, does 6dx48(2) pi++ inc and the average hit will punch 2,016 DR and it will ignore the ERA.  Not good enough for the T-80BV or T-90 hull, but we're back in the turret!

Again, on average.  Players seem exceptionally good at rolling above average when it matters.

Something else to make note of is we trained to a 6-second reload cycle.  Most of our loaders could do 4.  A second shot in the place where the ERA had just been activated on the target was not out of the question.  That means that M900 will penetrate the turret armor with the second shot; if it, indeed, can penetrate 650mm of RHAE.

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