01 February 2025

Banned Books

h/t Technomad


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Imagine Ms. "Read Banned Books" if the other woman was reading The Turner Diaries!

  3. It is funny how the liberals who prattle on about how they are the defenders of the first amendment are often the first to move to silence people they disagree with. As has been noted here, when conservatives move to "ban" books it is usually just to restrict access to minors, not to try to make publishing something illegal. To be fair extremists on the right can sometimes go too far also . But when your answer to what you think is "disinformation" is to try to dox and deplatform people and get them fired, etc., instead of just offering a solid refutation of their points then you have to wonder if it is because they often can't. Or just that leftists are the people who are really the most intolerant.


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