01 February 2025

Porn Free

We have discovered an unexpected problem with Florida creating a situation where the porn sites deny people with a Florida IP address access to their sites.

The Boy, apparently, was an avid user of at least one of those sites and he's been... um...  on edge.

We put two and two together today and had the embarrassing conversation with him about it.

We can't put a VPN on his computer because it's in the living room.

We don't want a VPN on his phone because it's got tracking apps to let us locate him during a walkabout.

So we're going to have to get it the old fashioned way.



  1. Well, if it is like the Texas block it hits the big ones, but there are others like xvideos.com that still work... Or so I am told. But this is just the person responsible for filtering at a State University, so YMMV...

  2. When I was a teenager, I had to see naked women the old fashioned way, the Sears Catalog. Of course, the occasional friend who stole one of his dad's Playboy magazines was always the occasional highlight, and made him super popular for a few weeks.
    That resulted in making the few gals who were willing to "show me your boobs" super interesting, and very popular with all the boys in high school, until other girls figured it out themselves, and male and female teens started pairing off more.

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