14 February 2025

The Wrong People Are Worried

The Lovely Harvey works for a small college.

She's worried about DOGE and her job.

The more I look at what DOGE could find the less worried I get about her career.

Small colleges have a higher bar to clear to get and retain Department of Education funding from grants and student loans than the much larger land-grant state universities.

Small colleges are also more focused on classes that teach skills that are applied to a job and degrees that lead to employment.  They have to be, proving they are is part of them keeping that funding!

I think that when DOGE starts going through the books that little schools are going to have the, "this is how much we got, this is where we spent it," answer ready and none of the money will have been appropriated or spent in a questionable manner.

State universities with huge social justice positions?  Not so much. 

Further proof that the small colleges are safer than they think stems from Obama, essentially, forcing most of them to become not-for-profit schools.  Not-for-profit has a higher standard of record keeping than for profit.

Small schools have their ducks in a row already.  Big schools are accustomed to being unaccountable.


  1. CIO of a small State University ("Regional Comprehensive") so can certainly confirm... Bonus for us, Texas had already made DEI illegal, so suspect we'll be fine. But as we are certainly not an R1, our exposure on the whole grant funding thing is less than 1% of our overall budget... Mind, budgets ARE tight, so would rather not lose that, but... We're FAR more concerned with the State Legislature since they meet every other year and this is one, so fun times ahead...

  2. I agree with you on this. The big state universities and ultra woke "prestigious" private schools are definitely the ones who have probably been putting a ton of money into pork belly SJW programs.

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