01 February 2025

Illegal Aliens

Phil Foglio and Nick Pollotta co-authored an amusing science fiction novel titled "Illegal Aliens."

It was a book I gave away to people to share my enjoyment.

To my horror, I discovered that later editions didn't have the illustrations that Mr Foglio made for the book.

Thanks to the wonders of the intertubes, I have secured a first printing and I now have an illustrated copy again.

I wonder why the illustrations are omitted from current editions.


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  2. Hey! Thanks for mentioning the book. I love Foglio's stuff so I ordered one (early publication date). I will read it then share with the grand kids. I still have my original EE Doc Smith series - Lensman but the pages are yellow and literally falling off the backing. Pocketbooks sold for 25 cents and 50 cents do not hold up well past 60 years ;-) still going to find out if any of the grands have the SciFi bug.


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