I've been watching D&D content creators lately and they agree that the average "campaign" makes it seven sessions.
This is for a variety of reasons, but it's real enough.
It really shines a light on why games like GURPS aren't as popular.
You're going to be spending your entire first session making the character in GURPS.
Then, on average, six sessions later; the campaign is done and you have to make a new character.
Now I'm trying to recall how long my average was.
I can definitely recall several that only lasted a single session past making characters.
Huh, 7 sessions? Guessing I am in the outlyer group... My old group met every weekend for years and had an incredibly long running campaign set in the GM's world... OTOH, we had a Shadowrun campaign that made it through character creation, then a random encounter first thing as we got started that killed off half the party. Turns out sniper rifles were just silly OP... And of course Traveller where we had a lot of characters died in creation, so we went "other directions"...