30 January 2025


Still not coming across a simple, easy to game, break down of a Vietnam infantry platoon's deployment after contact.

It's frustrating because the organization charts I've found put the machine guns in a different squad from the riflemen and I am not sure how much the the squads keep to themselves or even how or if they are kept apart from one another.

It matters because the players should be a group that socializes together.

If they're all one big platoon and the squads are notional, then mox nix.

I was in tanks.  Our platoons are tiny, manpower wise, compared to infantry.

Our "squad" is a single tank and crew.  I know we hung out as a platoon not as segregated crews.

Is it the same for the grunts?

My main source for questions like this doesn't reply any more...  Hope he's OK.

1 comment:

  1. Engineer myself, and was in well after Vietnam... But the TOE for Engineer Platoons was more or less unchanged from WWII with Squad level machine gunners being the norm. Dad was in the "Vietnam Era", but he was armored CAv so not likely to have the answer you are looking for... But since most of the units were deployed as Platoon being the smaller element, I cannot imagine they were not socializing at that level. I know that when push came to shove in "hypothetical bar fights" or the like, the guys from our own Platoon were the ones who always had out back... Or so I am told of course :-)


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