09 January 2025

National Day Of Celebration More Like

They have declared today to be a national day of mourning for Jimmy Carter.

Fuck that!

To mourn, you have to miss the deceased.

I've been wanting this "person" to stop sucking my oxygen for decades.

Jimmah is the first president I had grievances with, and he was out of office before I even got to vote!

I learned about the depth of his failures later.

Then I learned that many of the failures weren't fails, but deliberate.

So I will heartily cheer his demise and my flag will remain at full mast.


  1. Yeah, right with you. I lived during the Carter Administration. It sucked... testicles. Bigly.

    Still not the worst president ever, even if you ignore the human turnip that's going away in a week and a few. But darned close.

    Very embarrassing as a president. Lack of class, which is surprising coming from a naval officer of his level, except that Rickover kind of encouraged ass-hattery amongst his officers. Though you think Annapolis would have pounded some sense into his thick head. But, no. Makes me think that the rot in the service academies was bad much earlier than I thought.

  2. What I'll leave on his gravesite won't pass for flowers.

    While undeniably the worst president in US history in 1981, he moved up a notch with each Democommunist successor, which leaves him as only fourth-worst US President of all time, to the present, and no worse than third-worst if we note the asterisk next to Biden's name signifying that while he served, he was never actually elected to that office.


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