04 January 2025

Let There Be (Map) Light

 The front dome light in The Beast has been insufficient for reading a book while waiting for someone at night since I bought it.

LED bulb was better, but not enough.

Pontiac G8's use the same domelight, as do Holden Commodores.

I snagged one from a Commodore.

I can't use the whole assembly because the microphone faces the passenger in my car and can't be moved to the other side like mine can (different housings).

Install required depinning a 4-pin molex connector and installing a 6-pin.

It's got one little glitch.

The passenger side light doesn't like LED bulbs.  JT thinks there's a resistance problem in the little board.  But Harvey and I agree that incandescent is better on that side because it is less dazzling for the driver if the passenger hits the button while driving.

I still have the original dome light position.


  1. Have you got the little tool to remove those pins?

    1. I have an extensive collection of de-pinning tools. These molex pins need to be done in steps. First one side then the other. But it's not too hard when you get the feel.


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