14 January 2025

Reducto Meme

 This one is making the rounds again:

I am not even certain where I should start.


  1. You can't reason with these people.

    They're the same ones advocating for government-funded abortion while at the same time saying that killing a woman and her fetus is a case of double homicide.

    They're the same ones saying the women has all the rights and choices yet when a woman has a baby the MAN MUST PAY FOR LIFE!!!!

    In other words, they're the same type of jerkwads that say PG&E can't clear their transmission and distribution lines, nor update said lines (some as old as 1921) but that PG&E is fully responsible financially for all the homes and land destroyed by fires caused by old and uncleared transmission and distribution lines.

    They're the same ones that will take their masks off to scream at you about not wearing a mask. But also smile and are happy watching a high school band play their instruments with masks on, with holes cut for the mouthpieces...

    There is no making sense with these people.

    The only correct ways to treat them, other than completely ignoring them, is either to just look at them pityingly like they are mentally defective or openly mock and make fun of them until the cry and scream and you feel better.

  2. I'm a firm believer that you sterilize every single human for 10 generations, things will work themselves out nicely.

    1. I once asked a wise man if there would ever be peace on Earth.

      He assured me that there most certainly would be. He only hoped there would be people there to see it.


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