08 January 2025

Platoon Organization 1967

I'm a tanker.  I don't know how the grunts organize themselves.

A late 80's tank company has 14 tanks in three platoons.  4 per platoon plus 2 for the CO and XO.

Plus a five-ton for supply and a couple of humvees.

Vietnam, if I am not mistaken, had 17 tank companies with 5 tanks per platoon.

I have no damn clue about how infantry companies or platoons are arranged, but I found this:

Airmobile Company Org


Things that I don't know (I'll bet Willard knows):

With everyone equipped with an M16, what makes the automatic rifleman different from a rifleman?

The movies (no shock) lie to us.

The M60 gunners and their assistant gunners appear to be in different squads from the rest of the platoon.

Are they assigned to a squad ad hoc or what?

I also wonder if the 90mm reckless rifles did much time in the bush in Vietnam.


  1. I believe they were part of the weapons platoon with the mortar luggers..

    1. Definitely a weapons squad in the Airborne org tables. The question I am asking, for player cohesion, is how are the guys carrying the M60 deployed in the field rather than how they're organized on the table.

      I've got two M60's per platoon on this one. Does the squad leader keep them separate, or does he assign them to one of the rifle squads?

      Or are there more M60's in the platoon than the table suggests and the automatic rifleman is replaced with a machinegunner? There's hints of this from what I've read about the adoption of the M249 squad automatic weapon. 5 M60's per platoon!


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