It's in January because Martin Luther King Jr was born in January.
But his birthday was the 15th.
I don't object to honoring the man, but if you're going to base it on his birthday, then HAVE it on his birthday!
"But then we don't get a three day weekend, and sometimes we don't get a day off at all!"
Yeah, suck it.
Because if the point is to honor him then it shouldn't just be because it's a three day weekend.
And it's JUST a three day weekend to most people meaning it's completely failed to do honor to Mr King.
This is why I argue with people who complain about where Independence Day and Veteran's Day fall. Those dates are picked for a reason and reducing them to a three day weekend cheapens the honor.
Look how diluted Memorial Day is.
Well they messed with Lincoln and Washington's birthday to make Presidents Day. If you think I am going to honor Carter or Biden you are nuts. BTW What's a Postal Holiday? I never heard of it before Carter's funeral.