29 January 2025

Fall By Wire

I noticed something in this vid of the F-35A crash in Alaska:

The control surfaces are not moving.  Even if the pilot ejects, the flight control computer will still try to keep flying and those surfaces should have been moving all about in the attempt.

But they're fixed here.

Next year when the report comes out, I think we're going to hear about a flight control failure.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when they automatically place the blame on pilot error, and then later, maybe much later, they will come out with the actual reason for the failure of the plane the cause of it's crash.
    I thank the good Lord that it seems like the pilot will be ok. An ejection from any airplane is a traumatic thing, with the ejected pilot losing up to 1.5" in height, forever, due to the tremendous force placed on their spinal column. Thankfully the pilot had the ability to eject before meeting the ground at what looked like a pancake landing, to coin a new phrase.


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